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Oct 20, 2010

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (2010) [PAL/ENG/RUS]

Year of release: IV quarter 2010Genre: Sport (Soccer) / 3DDeveloper: Konami Computer Entertainment TokyoPublisher: KonamiRelease from: DAGGERRegion: PALPublication Type: LicenseFirmware: iXtreme 6 WaveLanguage: English, Russian, Dutch, Swedish, TurkishLanguage: EnglishTransfer type: text
Description:The first thing to be proud of the developers - this is more than a thousand new animations for players. The people on the field began to move more realistically and gracefully. Judges, in turn, added bonus of several hundred polygons to make them look like people, and the chatter of the commentators were diluted by new frazochkami.AI has been redesigned, and the overall complexity of the game increased. Pro Evolution Soccer has become more like a real simulator. The computer opponent is very strictly monitors the slenderness of their ranks, can not be bald spots in the defense and knows how to perfectly snap, using a counter-attack and tactical build the game in "stenochku.Each player on the field will separate stripes, reflecting the endurance and his willingness to "cannon" shot on goal. They will be very important and should always follow them. For instance, if you're mindlessly peck on the button "sprint", the final phase of the attack a player may simply not enough forces for a good kick.Office of the players even closer to the notorious realism. The impact direction and generally can be identified with sniper accuracy.In multiplayer, will be at least one big change - Master League mode will step into the online world. Yes, we are now able to cobble together their own clubs and play against each other online. If anything, of "Repeat" will remain in place - you can easily review the most spectacular episodes of the match and after it.
Features:• More 50ti licensed football teams including Russia.• 5 levels of difficulty 1 hidden.• A new scale ustalosti.Teper players will be tired, so you need to wisely choose the action, otherwise your team there will be no force.• Improved physical interaction between players.• Introduced the scale passes under the player, which lets you choose the force of impact and direction of flight myacha.Ee will be disabled.• Made already 1000 new animations for players that replaced all starye.Razrabotchiki filmed over 100 hours of video animations.• Improved artificial intelekt.Luchshe valid defense with an emphasis on protecting a certain area or a particular forward.• Speed of the game closer to reality.• Improved passing game to 360 degrees.• Vast expanses to adjust your tactics komandy.Taktiku can change depending on certain conditions.• Edit Menu has become even wider and more diverse.New modes of play on the internet including the Master League Online, where every day thousands of matches will take place between people.• The new card features.• Lots of licensed competitions and championships, and now they become even greater.• A huge number of teams around the world will participate in the Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 on the largest and most famous stadiums mira.I perhaps your team is under your control will take the cup championship. 



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